Friday, January 14, 2005

Genesis' Fall Of Man---the reality...

What I feel the truth with the Adam and Eve/ Fall Of Man story in Genesis is that it is not about the beginning of "sin", but of conciousness. Man, prior to the eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (for want of a better term), had no understanding or capacity to understand. Then with the eating, man awoke and began to sense and think about the world around him.

Before long, man began to question why he was and what was his reason. This event is the birth of philosophy (including as it is a form of philosophy, Religion). This, truly, is the Dawn of the Age of Man.

There are similar stories of this nature in non-Biblical mythologies as well, such as the story of Prometheus, whom by giving Man fire, was able to elevate them above the level of animals and wake up their sense of the concious.

Without "the fall of man" the wonders of the world of today would never have been.


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