Saturday, October 20, 2007

Mad Men

Watched and enjoyed most of it, the twists in the end (Peggy having kid after 7 months, the double ending with bhim home with family and alone) not too good imo.
Hopefully the new season will be as good.

Monday, October 15, 2007

The new RBK NHL Jerseys

They are crap!! None of them look nice with the shirttail, they're not cut like hockey jerseys but football jerseys.

Not at all good.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The 2008 Michigan Primary

All the crying ovewr 5 Democarts pulling outta our state's semi-legal January 15th primary is overblown. I mena, the whole "colut" arguemant is invalid nowadays as it regards Iowa and New Hampshire...after all in 1992 Clinton didn't win in NH, Brown did, and in 2000 Bush didn't win, McCain did.

I wish they'd go back to not having the primaries/caucuses until March, I mean the cycle is way too long now, almost 2 years...